
About Kaushal

I'm a student of Computer Engineering. I'm a keen follower of technology. My other hobbies include English novels and movies.

Technology Questions You Should be Familiar with

Technology questions you should be familiar with - Featured_Image

We use technology daily, sometimes to a point that people wonder if that’s all we do. And yet many of us get stumped when faced with the simplest of technology-related questions. Especially with the amount of misinformation the internet carries, Continue reading

Free Tracking Software : Track down the thieves

Free Tracking Software - Featured Image

We often hear stories of people who have suffered the pain of losing a gadget. But unless you’ve personally stepped into their shoes, you don’t really know what they are talking about. Every gadget is replaceable, except yours! Our laptops Continue reading

Best Free Online Backup Services


Data backup is probably the most well-known, yet most ignored, aspect of technology. Yes, everybody has that little folder on their computer in which they put those wedding photos, or those certificates and personal information. What most people fail to Continue reading

Extend the battery life of your laptop

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 With the electricity authority prolonging the load shedding hours,  it’s sometimes a challenge to use your laptops continuously for hours.  Even without the load shedding problems, it is a pain to have to charge  your laptops every few hours. Here are Continue reading